Thursday, October 30, 2008


The word hope keeps coming to mind when I check in with myself, and ask myself "How am I feeling about the state of the world at this particular moment in time? "

The thing I really love about hope is that it means there is a chance. I equate the word hope to anything is possible! I envision hope to look like a light big or small at the end of a dark tunnel.

So please share with me what you may love about the word hope and what it means to you in the comment section. Take the time to read what others have said and thank you for stopping by.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beauty of Change

Lately I have been giving some thought to... what is it about change that we love? Is it the idea that the universe is shifting. Is it that our perspective on the world is different? Are we seeing things in a new light?

What I love about change is I know something more beautiful always emerges from the experience even if we don't see it right away. I find that beauty lives in change. I also find peace in a knowing that the world can become a better place by way of change.

So please share with me what you love about change and what it means for you in the comment section. Take the time to read what others have loved and thank you for stopping by.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The story and request

The idea came to me after speaking with this really wise woman that said, " We need to focus on what is great about our nation". I couldn't agree more with her.

So here I am creating a space for people to list what they love and a space for others to read it. I want to know what you love about life, the world around you, really anything about it that makes you excited.

So a list of things that I love is.....

My daughter and her playfulness
the leaves changing color..such amazing shades of red and orange
honey sticks..quite yummy
a latte made just right...
a crisp apple
my husband

Please share what you love in the comment section and take the time to read what others love.

Thank you for stopping by to tell me what you love!
